When to See a Dermatologist

Is it time to see a skincare specialist?

Your skin is your largest organ, so it’s important that you take care of it That sometimes means turning to a dermatologist for specialized care Whether you are dealing with skin problems or want to improve your skin’s appearance, a dermatologist can provide you with the cosmetic and medical treatments you’re looking for Here are some reasons to turn to a dermatologist,

Your Acne Doesn’t Respond to Home Care

Yes, it will take time for acne to respond to treatment There is no overnight fix; however, if you’ve been using the same over-the-counter acne treatments for twelve weeks or more and aren’t seeing results, it might be time to turn to a dermatologist Over-the-counter options are only good for milder acne cases A dermatologist can provide customized treatment options if acne is more severe or treatment-resistant

You Want a Skin Cancer Evaluation

You don’t have to be fair-skinned or have a family history of skin cancer or tanning beds to benefit from turning to your dermatologist once a year for a skin cancer screening Everyone can benefit An annual screening with a dermatologist can catch melanoma and non-melanoma cancers early

You Have a Chronic Skin Condition

When dealing with eczema, psoriasis or chronic dry skin, these problems require personalized care only a dermatologist can offer If you are dealing with red, itchy, scaling or burning patches of skin and you’re not sure what’s going on, a dermatologist can provide you with a swift diagnosis and a customized treatment plan to help you get your flare-ups under control

You Want to Look Younger

Apart from all the medical benefits of turning to a dermatologist, another reason to seek care from a skin care professional is that you’re looking to enhance your skin’s appearance Whether you want to smooth away lines and wrinkles with Botox or improve skin tone and texture with microneedling or laser resurfacing, a dermatologist is an ideal doctor to turn to for safe, effective cosmetic treatments

Are you dealing with skin problems that impact your everyday routine or self-esteem? Do you want to treat imperfections to get skin you feel more confident in? If so, call your dermatologist today to schedule a consultation and find out how this specialist can help you get healthy, radiant skin